And Plants
Forests are regenerative but unfortunately the area of the land in need of restoration and the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is simply too great for us to wait. The challenge ahead is to reforest 2.3 billion acres with 1 trillion new trees and absorb one third of anthropogenic (human caused) CO2. At Replant World we're not even close to mimicking nature and its capacity for renewal but after several years planting trees, we learned a few things that help guarantee success.
Helping a forest become a flourishing ecosystem means planting native and endemic trees that can thrive or adapt to the environment and climate.
Achieving high survival rates (80%+) requires optimal soil conditions and supervision while the trees are young.
Observing close association between certain tree species and animals or insects helps build a symbiotic and climate resilient environment.
Planting trees with people living in poverty provides jobs and stops encroachment by logging, mining and agricultural industries.
Plant-based since he was fourteen, Phil jokes that he peaked early and has never made a better decision in life. A dedicated nature-lover and environmental campaigner, he chose to walk away from a lucrative career in television and pursue social & environmental justice full-time. His passion to inspire people to make better food choices for their health and the planet seeded the successful start-up Forest Smoothie®.